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Video duration 03 minutes 40 seconds 03:40

Occupied Jerusalem -

The Owais Hamad family in the city of Jerusalem has been waging legal battles for years to confirm its ownership of a plot of land that the Israeli occupation municipality is trying to seize and turn into a public park.

Hamad Hamad, family representative, Owais Hamad Atallah, tells Al Jazeera Net the story of the plot of land, its uses, and the chain of ownership within the family since the Ottoman rule, through the Jordanian era (1948-1967), where it was rented as a livestock market, until the Israeli occupation turned it into a garbage dump, then tried to seize it. .

Hamad pointed out that there are documents proving ownership of the land since the Ottoman era, yet the Israeli Nature Authority and the occupation municipality in Jerusalem are trying to seize it and turn it into a public park, within the plan of the biblical gardens surrounding the old Jerusalem wall.

The land area is 1,260 square metres, and it is located adjacent to the historic Jerusalem Wall from the northeastern corner.

Source: Al Jazeera