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International newspapers covered the tragic health situation in the Gaza Strip, and quoted the testimonies of some doctors about the so-called illegal killings carried out by the Israeli army against civilians, pointing to the necessity of ending the war in the Strip.

French doctors returning from Gaza spoke to the newspaper "Liberation" about their observations in the Strip, describing the situation as "tragic and unbearable," stressing that the Israeli army is carrying out illegal and unjustified killing.

One of the doctors said, "I worked in besieged Syrian areas, and in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, but what I saw in Gaza is unprecedented."

Writer Lev Greenberg said in the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" that the only solution to end the war on Gaza lies in international pressure and popular protests by the Israelis, stressing that there is no military solution to the Palestinian issue.

The writer pointed out that "Israel's exit from Gaza, and the return of the prisoners and soldiers drowning in the mud there, is not a priority now as long as the political and military leadership continues to cling to victory and reject political solutions."

In Foreign Affairs magazine, Aluf Ben wrote about “the self-destruction practiced by Israel with its aggressive policies towards the Palestinians,” saying that “there is no escape for Israel to reconcile with the Palestinians if it wants to live in peace.”

He stressed that "Israelis cannot expect stability if they continue to ignore the rights of the Palestinians and reject their aspirations and even their existence."

In the British newspaper The Guardian, writer Muhammad Bazi called on US President Joe Biden to force Israel to end the war, before Washington’s conflict with the Iranian-backed militias escalates.

The writer said that Biden has the ability to restrain Israel, but he refuses to use it, explaining that Washington "did its utmost to hide the size of arms shipments and American aid to Israel, unlike what it did regarding the massive arms shipments to Ukraine."

As for the French website "Media Part", it published an analysis criticizing President Emmanuel Macron's decision to honor the French-Israeli who were victims of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

The analysis said that the president’s position perpetuates Western double standards and deepens the deadly moral and political collapse in Palestine, calling on Paris to put an end to the state of denial it is experiencing regarding Gaza.

Risks of the Red Sea crisis

In Newsweek magazine, analysts said that escalating tension in the Red Sea could cause a new wave of global inflation and disrupt supply chains, which in turn could lead to higher prices.

Analysts pointed out that the largest region affected by delays is Europe, noting that limited access through the Panama Canal may also put the United States under pressure.

The French "Le Monde" said that China distanced itself from the escalating conflict in the Red Sea, and ignored the American request to intervene with Iran.

The newspaper added that China reaps benefits from staying out of the game, noting that it realizes that its direct intervention in this conflict will have a price, in addition to its economy not being harmed by the disruption of navigation in the Red Sea.

Source: Al Jazeera