Natalia Puga Pontevedra


Updated Thursday, February 8, 2024-02:07

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He brags about his origins - he started the campaign in the kitchen of the family home in a village in Lugo - and his future.

Ana Pontón

(Sarria, 1977) aspires to be the first woman and the first nationalist to lead Galicia and, to achieve this, she has reset her party, with proximity as her motto.

He began the campaign by saying that on February 18 spring will begin in Galicia. In these 15 years Galicia did not bloom. He lost population, industry, young people and public health. And on February 18 we can make a spring for this country to flourish, defending a better future. It is assumed that she will be president, but a large part of the polls give Rueda an absolute majority. The polls also said that Feijóo would be sitting in The Moncloa. What they all agree on is that there is a majority that wants change, that the PP is declining and the force that emerges is the BNG. If all that majority that wants change votes and the vote is concentrated in the BNG, we have many reasons to smile: we will make history with the first female president. That government would never be alone. Do you trust doing it with the PSOE? The pacts are decided by the citizens with their vote, but if the decision is that there is a plural government, I will be very proud to represent that plurality as president. They have already agreed on the investiture in the Government central. Is there a structural alliance with Sánchez? We agreed on an investiture agreement, not a legislative agreement. The BNG from the opposition does more for Galicia than the PP from the Xunta. She obtained historic discounts on the tolls on the AP-9, now also on the AP-53, the regeneration of the Burgo estuary or promoting the commuter train. Imagine what we can do from the presidency. The previous bipartisan, Touriño-Quintana, did not leave very good memories. A government is neither better nor worse because of the number of parties that make up it. We have a single party that leaves us with a worse Galicia. We have a lot of experience in dialogue and cooperation. And I, furthermore, understand politics like that. What is the Galicia of the BNG like? Better than what the PP leaves us. We have been seeing for too many years how the Galician agenda is subordinated to that of the state forces. Depending on who sits in La Moncloa, they either bow their heads or tear their clothes, but the problems remain unresolved. We need a government that puts, first and foremost, the interests of the Galicians. Our pillars are the defense of public services, more companies, more investments and a knowledge economy. And we are going to put the turbo into equality policies. And in the territorial model? That is something that Galicia as a whole has to decide, it is not something that a single force can decide. It is evident that there is an open debate about the State model in which Galicia has to have its own voice and that we cannot allow ourselves, as a historical nation, to be even a single millimeter behind what Euskadi and Catalonia achieve. It is key to debate a proposal for a new political status for Galicia through dialogue and agreement. Would there be a self-determination referendum? First of all, there must be a transfer of all pending powers,This is a question of minimums because we have spent 15 years in which the PP has not won a single competition. Self-government is a tool to improve people's lives. Will it take that course if the PP wins by a lot, but does not govern? We are going to raise this debate because it is an issue in which we are having a lot at stake: that Galicia is not even a millimeter behind what other historical nations achieve. We are not more, but we also do not want to be less than anyone. What differentiates you from your allies in Euskadi and Catalonia, Bildu and ERC? Anyone who knows the BNG knows that we are very different from any other political project that exists in the State. We are not homologous. We are our own project designed from Galicia and that, in any case, has a relationship with other organizations, but representing different ways of understanding politics. Do they share a territorial program? We do not have a territorial program with anyone. We decide our territorial program here, from Galicia, based on our reality. Will they agree again for the Europeans to present themselves in consultation? It is a debate that, when the Europeans arrive, we are going to address.


The PP insists on putting its relationship with Bildu and ETA into the campaign. Does the BNG have to be in a demonstration in favor of the ETA prisoners? The only thing the PP is showing is nervousness because, when it has to go to the wild card of ETA, it is that the polls give it worse than it seemed. The first thing I want to make clear is that the BNG has always been, is and will be against terrorism and violence by ETA. Always. That does not imply that we do not demand that the law be complied with, that all prisoners have the same treatment, the law applies to everyone equally. How do you explain to the Galicians the amnesty for the crimes of the process? I think the PP is very determined that in these elections we talk about amnesty, they prefer to talk about Catalonia so as not to talk about their management. The PP seems to have changed its motto. The previous one was Galicia, Galicia, Galicia and now it is Catalonia, Catalonia, Catalonia. I am only talking about Galicia. Do you agree with the disqualifications of judges that we see these days by the Government and its partners? I would not say that there are disqualifications, there is a description of an attitude of some judges who clearly want to interfere in the political field and we have to denounce when there are excesses on the part of any area of ​​public powers. Demand a police force of your own. Are you looking for the disappearance of the Civil Guard and the National Police? I seem to remember that in Euskadi the person who made this transfer to the Basque Police was Mr. Aznar. In the pre-campaign he reconciled with Beiras. It unites, again, nationalism. Was it an arduous task? It was a process that developed naturally. I have to thank Anova for his foresight and generosity, because this agreement is also something unusual: two political forces that in a campaign are not distributing positions. That also tells us that there is another way of doing politics here. They insist that the BNG has reset itself. What has that translated into? We knew how to read what changes were taking place in society, and connect with people's problems. Many people tell me this: you talk about the things that concern us. The five-way electoral debate became a Wheel vs. Pontoon duel. Are they really the only two alternatives that there are after 18F? On February 18, what the Galicians choose is whether there is a president of the PP or a woman president of the BNG. In this debate they clashed with the PP candidate over the use of language. Is the Galician threatened? Do you want to impose it on Spanish? All studies say that there is a problem of generational transmission. We propose that there be equality in knowledge so that there is freedom of choice. Each person has to be free to decide which language he wants to speak. It's as if we want to deprive someone of knowing how to add and subtract. Within his party he broke glass ceilings. Is it possible to go further? I think it's time to break this glass ceiling and, furthermore, I don't want to make history for myself, I want to make history for everyone.Can overconfidence become a danger for BNG? We are never overconfident. I am convinced that these are the most open elections in 15 years, that we have within reach of making history, but we must win every vote. And you have to win it with a smile, ideas, project and enthusiasm. Some of your battles are fought in the street. In pre-campaign, pellets. In the campaign, health. Do you instrumentalize the street for your benefit? Lately, in the State as a whole, the one who called the most demonstrations is the PP. The street belongs to no one. In any case, we are seeing that the streets, in Galicia, are mobilizing against the PP's policies. What is most urgent? In healthcare, you have to wait up to three weeks for an appointment. The average wait for a residency is two years. 200,000 young people emigrated. We know that we are not going to reach the government and be able to solve the destruction of these 15 years of the PP, but we are going to be able to recover healthcare, a strong commitment to conciliation and so that the elderly can be at home with the peace of mind that this stage of your life deserves. It is about putting care at the center and this is also a revolution in politics.