On the 6th, a helicopter crashed on a lake in southern Chile, killing former President Sebastián Piñera. He was 74 years old.

According to Reuters and other sources, on the 6th, a helicopter carrying four people, including former President Piñera, crashed in a lake in southern Chile, resulting in the death of former President Piñera.

The other three people were rescued and their injuries were not life-threatening.

The cause of the crash is unknown.

Former President Piñera was born in the capital, Santiago, and was an active businessman. After serving as a senator, he served as president for two four-year terms, starting in 2010 and starting in 2018.

During his tenure, he worked on recovery from the massive 2010 earthquake that killed more than 500 people, including a tsunami, and also responded to a mine cave-in that trapped 33 workers. Ta.

In 2012, he visited Minamisanriku Town in Miyagi Prefecture, which was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and interacted with local high school students.In addition, since the Moai statue in the town was destroyed by the tsunami, a new Moai statue made from volcanic rock from Easter Island was installed in the town. It is also known that he gave it to

Chilean President Boric announced three days of mourning following the death of former President Piñera.