Europe 1 with AFP 4:45 p.m., February 7, 2024

Marine Le Pen tops voting intentions for the first round of the presidential election if it took place next Sunday, and is equal in the second round, whether her opponent is Gabriel Attal or Edouard Philippe, according to a poll published Wednesday.

In this Ifop study for Current Values, the far-right leader garners 36% of voting intentions in the first round (+3 points in one month), ahead of the Macronist candidate, at 22%, whether the latter is the current Prime Minister (-1 point) or his predecessor Edouard Philippe (-3 points).

Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes third, at 14% (+1 point) in both hypotheses. Eric Zemmour (6%), Laurent Wauquiez (4.5 to 5.5%), Fabien Roussel (4 to 4.5%), Jean Lassalle (3%), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Marine Tondelier, Olivier Faure, Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud are far behind.

Marine Le Pen obtains her best scores among 50-64 year olds

In the second round, assuming Edouard Philippe, he and Marine Le Pen each receive 50% of the voting intentions. Gabriel Attal obtains 49% against 51% for the RN deputy, a difference included in the margin of error.


“I am the natural candidate of my camp for the presidential election” of 2027, assures Marine Le Pen

In these duels, Marine Le Pen obtains her best scores among those aged 50-64 (61% against Edouard Philippe, 63% against Gabriel Attal), artisans and traders (66 to 71%), workers (73 to 74 %) and people with a BEP or CAP as their highest qualification (69 to 73%).

Le Pen leads the polls: a first

In the hypothesis of a second round pitting Marine against Le Pen against Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the first collects 64% of voting intentions, against 36% for the LFI leader. This is the first time that Marine Le Pen, three-time presidential candidate and two-time finalist, has obtained such a high score in a first round poll, also 13 points higher than her 2022 score.

The one who lost to Emmanuel Macron by collecting 41% of the votes has, however, already been designated the winner of a presidential election in an opinion study: in September 2014, in an Ifop poll, she received 54% of votes. voting intentions in a duel against outgoing President François Hollande (46%) if the election took place the following Sunday.

Survey conducted by self-administered online questionnaire from January 31 to February 1, among a sample of 1,081 people registered on the electoral lists, taken from a sample of 1,216 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over , according to the quota method. Margin of error between 1.4 and 3.1 points.