Natalia Puga (Vigo) Pontevedra

(Vigo) Pontevedra

Updated Wednesday, February 7, 2024-01:34

  • 18-F Why is Galicia the only autonomy without the presence of Vox?... And the 'miracle' of Avión

  • Galicia Matilde, the rural portfolio that travels 105 kilometers every day due to dispersion

Álvaro Díaz-Mella

(Vigo, 1961) faces the challenge of getting Vox to achieve representation in Galicia, the only territory that resists him, in which he collides with a hegemonic PP on the right.

Why is the Galician Parliament the only one without Vox? All seats are difficult for new parties. But in 2020, 51% of Galicians did not vote. Vox has a lot to say so that Galicians are represented. They need to at least double the registration of the last regional elections. 134,681 votes, 5%. With the people who voted for us on 23-J, Vox would enter Galicia with force. No survey gives it any options. A survey is a thousand calls on a population of 2.6 million. On Galician Television (TVG) they have censored us; They have put Sumar and Podemos. But for us, social networks exist. At 62 years old, I have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok... Where we cannot reach through conventional means, we will go through networks. He has said that they are silenced on TVG. Is there a black hand of the PP behind it? Who does the TVG depend on? Well that. I even see it as undemocratic. Feijóo said that it is a mistake for Vox to run. What do you think? I don't want to get distracted, I just want Galicia to stop being the ugly duckling of Spain. How many broken promises since 1990? Since the time of Fraga, roads have stopped being built. And the primary sector must be repowered. I don't want tomatoes or Padrón peppers from Morocco. We must return to the origins, to our grandparents. I'll tell you about the birth rate: children are not born. In Vigo, 46,000 dogs and 23,000 children between 0 and 5 years old. What's the point of a two-month Christmas if there aren't going to be children? Vox puts the family at the center of its politics...They are autonomous. What can the Xunta do for that? Much more. Today people cannot have children because he works, she works and conciliation is another fallacy. We must provide facilities for families. Why do people prefer a pet? Because the university doesn't send them. We are Pro-Life from beginning to end. In the general election, he opposed the euthanasia law and the abortion law. I am not anti-abortion, I am Pro-Life, which is very different. We must give that mother and the fetus a chance, because no one asks her. I cannot get involved in that tremendous decision of a woman and the couple, but I can give them, as a politician, money, alternatives.


He says that the PP's policies are similar to those of the PSOE. What do you not like about the Galician PP? He has experimented with policies that the PSOE could defend. Or the Block. Or we can. Or Add. I was a PP voter until 2009 and I voted blank until Vox came out. Because I am totally opposed to giving three-year-old children sexual education; that in education minorities such as the LGTBI are imposed. I have gay friends, and they are not represented by LGTBIs. The autonomies? Feijóo locked us up due to Covid, Christmas ruined us, and Ayuso was a tavern owner. That is why we do not believe in autonomies, because they create inequalities among Spaniards. And do you aspire to the regional Parliament? It is not incoherent. We respect the Constitution, but within we do not like the autonomous system, but it is what it is and we are within it. Does 18-F examine Sánchez? The amnesty is a scandal. Do you see a declaration of independence possible in Galicia with a government of left after 18-F? Totally impossible, but I also tell you that I do not want Galicia to become Catalonia or the Basque Country. We have to learn, because if you play with nationalism, you end up with nationalism. In Spain we all have DNI, Spanish. And then I feel very Galician. And then, from Vigo. And about Celta. Feeling Galician, what do you think of the use of Galician? The PP's linguistic policy is tremendous. Why don't they allow parents to choose the language for their children to learn? With the impositions, they manage to reduce the Galician language. If they want to defend it, let them do so through culture, tradition and folklore. My mother died in 2016 and they sent me 186 pages in Galician of a technical inheritance report. Why does the Administration unilaterally report in Galician? Why does the PP want to compete with the Block and be more Galician than the Galicians? It's a bit ridiculous. Do you feel that Feijóo and Rueda treat you as enemies in Galicia despite co-governing in so many places? It's as if there were 17 PPs and Génova 13. Does Abascal offer pacts to Feijóo and Feijóo offers pacts to Sánchez? How is it possible that Feijóo demonstrates against Sánchez on Sunday and agrees on commissions in the Cortes on Monday? The PP is uncomfortable. Spain comes from a two-party system, actors appear and they do not assume it.


Among the differences that he has been citing with the PP, he did not mention the position on gender violence. How does the majority of Vox deny it? Violence is violence; cannot be differentiated. And it is discriminatory against men directly. Violence must be stopped with laws and penalties enforced. We say life sentences to rapists. Without women the world would not exist, how can we not defend them? No children would be born. It is necessary that there be women; necessary to defend them. And to those murderous and violent morons of both sexes or whatever gender, apply the law, but harshly, not half measures. What has happened to Vox Baleares? Can't stand internal criticism? That's not it. In 2003, do you remember Tamayazo? Is the same. López Miras, in his first government, people from Vox who are leaving... We are a party with statutes, an iron discipline and totally pyramidal. This has already happened to us and will happen to us. Abascal says it: immediately, out. Also in Galicia, criticism has arisen because he is a candidate. It is impossible to please everyone. If they were constructive, perfect. If they are destructive... There is nothing. Municipal and general officials resisted him. What is going to change now to enter Parliament? If you look at my municipal results, we double the percentage. In general, the same. The changes are not immediate, we are hard at work and we do not give up the effort. My friends always tell me: 'What need do you have?' And he answered them: even if you don't know it, I do it for you, for your children and grandchildren and because someone has to do it.