Noa De la Torre Valencia


Updated Tuesday, February 6, 2024-10:45

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  • Eurovision Pedro Sánchez speaks out about 'Zorra': "The fachosphere would have liked to have Cara al sol"

Vice President Vicente Barrera, of Vox, decided this Tuesday to publicly distance himself from an initiative of the


, recently presented by Mazón, to promote the Valencian Community as a land respectful of

LGTBI rights and sexual diversity


However, Barrera has called on the press to publicly "distance himself" from the "Community Pride" campaign, something he had never done to date. It is not the first time that PP and Vox have exhibited their differences in public on various issues, but it is the first time that this has been done regarding an action by the Consell.

The vice president, who has been accompanied in his appearance by Vox's advisor, the head of Justice,

Elisa Núñez

, has warned his government partner that "buying the ideological framework of the left is harmful."

The Minister of Culture

has also denied that this crisis is going to mean a "rupture" with the PP

, but has acknowledged that Vox was unaware of this initiative that the PP has promoted from Equality. Furthermore, he has assured that the national leadership of Vox has not given any order to establish a profile against the PP.

The PP spokesperson in the Cortes,

Miguel Barrachina

, has downplayed the controversy and has pointed out in À Punt that both partners are "different parties", although to date they have demonstrated "total harmony" on key issues such as budget negotiation. , For example.

The campaign was presented within the framework of the Benidorm Fest, whose winning song, 'Zorra', has been precisely criticized by Vox leaders such as the president of the Cortes,

Llanos Massó

. The new brand is part of an initiative that seeks to "make visible and celebrate diversity and promote an inclusive and respectful society in the Valencian Community", according to the Generalitat.