The publication Glos24 reports this.

“Russia is too strong, too big to simply be pushed out,” said the former military man.

At the same time, he emphasized that, despite strong support, Ukraine has much less strength and resources. 

Earlier, the chairman of the Coordination Council for the Integration of New Regions at the Public Chamber, Vladimir Rogov, expressed the opinion that Poland is preparing to divide the western lands of Ukraine.

Crimea became a Russian region after a referendum took place there in March 2014: the majority of residents were in favor of reunification with Russia. The Kremlin has repeatedly emphasized that Crimea is an integral part of Russia and claims to Russian territory will receive a proper response.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which on September 30 the country will celebrate the Day of Reunification of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with Russia.