Tower 22 base, which was bombed by the "Iraqi Islamic Resistance" movement (Al Jazeera)

The French newspaper Le Figaro said that the United States and Iran, despite their ideological differences, have a real tactical rapprochement to avoid a direct war between them, and explained that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed that his country will do its utmost to prevent the escalation of the conflict and that it does not want war with Iran.

The French newspaper indicated - in a column by its writer Renaud Girard - that the retaliation operations launched by the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) in response to the attack in which 3 soldiers were killed and 47 wounded, at the hands of the Shiite “Islamic Resistance” militia in Iraq, may show American voters that President Joe Biden always defends the lives of his soldiers as firmly as possible, in order to send a clear message of deterrence to militias in the Middle East, but it came late to allow time for the departure of potential Iranian advisors in the Syrian and Iraqi lands that were targeted.

Just as Blinken announced that the United States does not want war with Iran, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman also announced that his country does not want escalation and that it has no “agents” in the region, which shows Iran’s desire to defuse accusations against it of attacking Western interests through inappropriate means. directly.

There is nothing wrong with Iran showing - according to the author - that the militias close to it ideologically enjoy a kind of independence in decision-making. For example, Hezbollah did not consult Tehran in the 2006 attack on an Israeli patrol that caused a fierce war that lasted 33 days, and the same applies to the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel.

The writer explained that Iran sees Israel as an illegitimate state resulting from colonial injustice, used by Washington as an “agent” to destabilize the entire region, but apart from ideological differences, and the existence of a real tactical rapprochement to avoid fighting a direct war, both of them realize that they will not win it at all.

Normalization with Tehran

The writer believes that Iran reached the pinnacle of diplomatic happiness without losing a single soldier, and the war on Gaza was a gift to it on a silver platter, because it restored to it unexpected leadership in the Middle East, and made the world forget its controversial role in Syria and its internal protests.

Iran is fully aware of the cost of its “friendship” with China and Russia, and it secretly desires - as the writer says - to conclude a “grand deal” with the Americans, in which all files are settled at once, such as nuclear energy, sanctions, and the new security structure for the Middle East. As for what Tehran calls “the entity “Zionist,” the rhetorical output is ready: “We will follow in all circumstances what the Palestinians decide.”

For his part, Biden seeks, in the face of his opponent, Donald Trump, to appear as a non-extremist president, and if circumstances allow him, he would like to present himself within 6 months to American voters, as the man who succeeded in normalizing relations with Tehran, after 45 years of estrangement.

Girard concluded that the Israeli-Iranian and American-Iranian hostilities have no roots in history or geography, and are artificial hostilities that feed on internal political considerations on both sides, and all visionary strategists in Washington and in Tel Aviv as well as in Tehran know this well.

Source: Le Figaro