According to Hippie, the transfer of British tanks to the Ukrainian side also contributed to further supplies of Western equipment. 

“The UK’s decision to send 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine has provided adequate combat capability and effectiveness and thus paved the way for further deliveries of dozens of main battle tanks from international partners,” the deputy minister said.

This is how he answered a question from MP John McDonnell, who asked why the British Ministry of Defense transferred 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine. 

The parliamentarian also asked why the military department did not send all the tanks that could not be upgraded to the Challenger 3 level.

Hippie, in turn, explained that a decision regarding these combat vehicles has not yet been made. 

As military expert Alexey Leonkov noted in a conversation with RT, the West had high hopes for Challenger tanks, as well as Leopard and Abrams in the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A special team was created and trained to manage them.  

“They were supposed to make a decisive contribution to the offensive, but the situation turned out differently, and these tanks did not show themselves in any way. That is, the hope for them turned out to be too high, and the result turned out to be too disastrous. Therefore, 14 Challenger tanks, 31 Abrams tanks and about 36 Leopard tanks did not in any way affect the situation,” Leonkov said.

The expert emphasized that to achieve the results of any military operation, thoughtful planning is required, taking into account a correct assessment of the forces of the opposing side.

“Many in the West predicted an easy victory for NATO weapons over Russia. It didn't happen. They could not have done this either in quantity or in quality. In addition, it turned out that in fact the problems in the alliance are quite serious, especially with the development of armored vehicles,” he added. 

Earlier, Business Insider reported that German Leopard, British Challenger and American Abrams tanks turned out to be useless and did not help Ukraine change the situation at the front.