Stéphane Bern SEASON 2023 - 2024 4:50 p.m., February 2, 2024

Stéphane Bern recounts, without making a big deal out of it - even if he left his name to the most famous of the triple creams - an epicurean harpooned against his will by the harsh realities of the French Revolution, a high magistrate who wielded the table art. Or the true story of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, the fine gastronome... What place does Brillat-Savarin occupy in the history of gastronomy? What does he write in Physiology of Taste? What was the culinary fashion two hundred years ago? To talk about it, Stéphane Bern receives Jean-Robert Pitte, president of the Geographical Society and the French Wine Academy and author of “Brillat-Savarin, the transcendent gastronome” (Tallandier).

Historically Yours is produced by Guillaume Vasseau. Editor-in-chief: Benjamin Delsol. Author of the story: Eloi Audoin-Rouzeau. Journalist: Armelle Thiberge.