The Parliamentary Newspaper writes about this.

“It will be possible to check whether a person is a student online. This will greatly simplify life for students, while verification on the government services portal will protect the document from forgery,” commented Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Grigory Borisenko.

Bachelor's, specialist's, master's students, as well as graduate students and residents will be able to use the electronic student ID.

The application will give them the opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for long-distance trains and electric trains, issue a pass for public transport, and receive discounts when going to cultural events, if provided.

In addition, an electronic student card can be a pass to a university building on a par with a paper document.

Earlier, Radio 1 reported that schoolchildren in the Moscow region, using the Dobrodel application, will be able to sign up for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam online.