Pascal Praud SEASON 2023 - 2024 2:01 p.m., February 2, 2024

Pascal Praud returns for two hours, without concession, on all the subjects that are in the news. Today, the farmers who want to continue the movement, an employee who receives 500,000 euros in compensation, the Salon retromobile and Doctor Jean-Michel Cohen for the release of his book "Not everyone has the chance to 'have a nutritionist friend - Finally know everything about diets!'.

Do you want to react? Call it (non-premium rate number) or go to Europe 1's social networks to share your opinion and debate the major themes developed in today's show.


- Amélie Rebière, 

vice-president of rural coordination

- Yves Toledano, 



Doctor Jean-Michel Cohen,

for the release of his book "Not everyone is lucky enough to have a nutritionist friend - Finally know everything about diets!" Published by FIRST