Efe Jaen


Updated Friday, February 2, 2024-11:34

  • Society All information about sexual assaults

The Civil Guard of Jaén has arrested five young people, one of them a minor, between the ages of 14 and 18, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of group sexual assault against a minor in Los Villares (Jaén).

The events took place in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday in the

town's Industrial Estate,

in an

improvised bottle

, and the victim subsequently filed a complaint with the Civil Guard, with the support of his family, as confirmed by the Civil Guard. to Eph.

To know more


Seven minors arrested after a group attack on two other young people in Malaga

  • Editorial: EUROPA PRESS Málaga

Seven minors arrested after a group attack on two other young people in Malaga


Four men are arrested for a group attack on a boy in Sant Fost de Campsentelles

  • Editorial: EFE Mollet del Vallès

Four men are arrested for a group attack on a boy in Sant Fost de Campsentelles

The agents proceeded, at first, to arrest three young people of legal age and then two others, one older and one younger. Of those arrested, four are from the municipality and another from the capital of Jaén.

The Civil Guard has indicated that the four adults have been released by the investigating judge, while

the minor has been admitted to the

Las Lagunilla


Center in the capital, managed by the Junta de Andalucía, since Apparently he could have had more participation in the attack.

According to

Diario Jaén

this Friday, the young woman testified in the complaint that there was touching and that she was

forced to perform fellatio

on those who participated in the alleged attack.

In addition, threatening graffiti has appeared on the facade of the home of one of the alleged perpetrators and weapons were even seen on the night of the events.

The residents of the

municipality, with only 6,000 inhabitants,

are totally shocked since

they are all known

and it is also not an isolated case, since apparently

a year ago another young woman suffered an episode similar

to the one that allegedly occurred this Saturday and there could have been more victims and upcoming complaints.