Efe | Europa Press Granada


Updated Thursday, February 1, 2024-12:38

The youth match held last weekend between Montefrío and Fuente Vaqueros City that was played in the first town in Granada ended with a massive fight in which players and the public participated and with two complaints filed for attacks, the Guard confirmed Civil to Efe.

The events occurred just at the end of the match, which ended with

a 4-3 local victory

, when a massive fight took place

that lasted several minutes

, which began on the field of play between players and

was joined by a multitude of fans

from both teams. equipment, according to eyewitnesses.

To know more


A youth seriously injured after receiving two punches and a kick to the head at the end of a soccer match in Seville

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A youth seriously injured after receiving two punches and a kick to the head at the end of a soccer match in Seville


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This incident has led to two complaints of attacks before the Civil Guard and, in sports, the opening of a


by the Competition Committee of the Royal Andalusian Football Federation.

Those who filed the complaints were the delegate of Montefrío and the family of the person allegedly attacked by another minor, according to sources consulted by Europa Press about the massive fight at the 'José Álvarez' soccer field of the local team, in which parents also participated. , the Ideal newspaper has advanced



Montefrío City Council condemned the events

in a statement in which it expressed its "support and solidarity with a club that has always been an example of sportsmanship" and to which it provides "the necessary support to continue enjoying sport."