Lionel Gougelot 8:16 a.m., February 1, 2024

In his general policy speech on Tuesday, the Prime Minister announced that he wanted to experiment with a four-day week in the civil service. Some communities did not wait for the green light to try it, as is the case in Grande-Synthe, near Dunkirk, in the North. 

This is an announcement that perhaps went a little unnoticed in Gabriel Attal's general policy speech on Tuesday before the National Assembly: the experimentation of the four-day week in the public service and in the ministries. If this four-day week already exists in companies, it is practically non-existent in the public service.

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A new rhythm of life to favor family life

In the north of France, certain communities did not wait for the Prime Minister's announcement to try it. The four-day week came into force at the town hall of Grande-Synthe, near Dunkirk, on January 1, 2024. In this town of 21,000 inhabitants, 700 municipal agents work there and 148 of them have chosen to opt for the four-day week. A new organization which responds to the desire of agents to better balance their professional and family lives without reducing the quality of public service.

“An extra day with your child, I take it with great enthusiasm”

Agent in the building and civil engineering department, Nicolas immediately opted for the four-day week. By being off on Fridays, he is more available for his family life and admits to saving some money. "I am the father of a little girl who is looked after by a nanny and quite honestly, that allows [to pay] one day less so financially, it's good to take. And then an extra day with your child, personally, I take it with great enthusiasm", he testifies at the microphone of Europe 1.

Not all employees, those in contact with the public or in schools for example, were eligible. There was no question for Mayor Martial Beyaert of degrading public service. “What I asked the agents is to have a continuation and not to have a loss of quality of public service in Grande-Synthe. The opening hours of the town hall do not change”, explains- he.

“This is the world of tomorrow”

37 hours of work over four days represents 9 hours and 15 minutes of work per day on average, but town hall officials are much more fulfilled, according to the elected official. “When agents are good at their jobs, they are also more productive and much more peaceful in carrying out their mission. And I am convinced that this is the world of tomorrow. It was a little taboo perhaps in the local authorities, we have lifted this taboo, here in Grande-Synthe,” he rejoices.

All agents who are committed to the four-day week in Grande-Synthe are there for at least one year.