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Video duration 02 minutes 58 seconds 02:58

International newspapers and media sites highlighted the Israeli army's losses in the Gaza Strip, the ability of the Palestinian resistance to launch rockets, in addition to the escalation between the United States and Iran.

The Financial Times newspaper wrote, “Israel is struggling to achieve its declared goals.” It quoted a source familiar with Israeli war plans as saying that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) still maintains the ability to launch rockets, especially from areas that Israeli ground forces have not yet reached, and perhaps She chooses to preserve her arsenal.

In the same context, the Telegraph newspaper quoted Colonel Avi Panov, a senior medical official in the Israeli army, as saying, “The number of victims who fell in the past four months is greater than what Israel has witnessed in the past four decades.”

He added that soldiers lose limbs and suffer eye and face injuries, and that most of the injuries sustained by Israeli army soldiers in Gaza are caused by explosive weapons such as explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades, which cause more damage.

The occupation reveals daily dead and wounded in the Gaza battles (Anatolia)

For its part, the editorial of Haaretz newspaper believed that the silence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paves the way for the Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in Gaza, pointing to a meeting of what it described as strong members of the ruling coalition, to present the new goal of the war on Gaza and celebrate it with dance.

The Guardian newspaper focused on the escalation between the United States and Iran, and writer Simon Tisdale said in an article, “Direct American military revenge against Iran would be a disaster for the Middle East, and would prolong the conflict in Gaza.” He added, "Any retaliation will divide Western democracies and help China advance its geopolitical ambitions."

The American website "Politico" highlighted in its report the cost of rebuilding the American presence in the Middle East after the attack of last October 7, and indicated that the Pentagon's estimate confirms that the cost will reach more than one billion dollars.

The report quoted American officials as saying that their country was not prepared for the regional repercussions of that attack, and that the scenes inside the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the intelligence agencies, in the weeks that followed the attack, resembled the days that followed the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi in 2012.

Source: Al Jazeera