Pakistani media reported on January 30 that former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets, was sentenced to 14 years in prison on new charges of corruption. I told them that it was. Ahead of the general election scheduled for February, opposition from supporters is intensifying due to a series of convictions.

According to Pakistani media, on January 31st, Khan told a court set up in a prison near Islamabad that he had received gifts from foreign government officials while he was prime minister, and that he had sold them. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison on charges of corruption, including failing to report the incident.

Khan, a former cricket star, served as prime minister for about four years starting in 2018 and is deeply popular among young people, but he was detained after being found guilty of corruption in August last year, and on the 30th. He had just been sentenced by a special court to 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets.

In Pakistan, a general election is scheduled for February 8th, and many people belonging to the political party ``Pakistan Justice Movement'' founded by Mr. Khan are running for election.

The ``Pakistan Justice Movement'' has announced that it plans to appeal the decision, calling it ``a foolish decision.'' The opposition from supporters has intensified in the unprecedented situation where the guilty verdicts were handed down two days in a row before a general election.