Europe 1 Archives SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:10 a.m., January 30, 2024

[EUROPE ARCHIVE 1 - The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare] In the spring of 1930, Charles Bornais, resident of a district of Puteaux, returned home in the company of his son. It appears to be an ordinary day even though his wife has been in her room all day. He claims she is sick. When he puts his little boy to bed, he brutally smothers him with a pillow. His wife, in the next room, actually suffered the same fate six hours earlier. The following day, Charles Bornais continued his daily routine. He takes the bus, goes to Versailles to have a coffee and continue his business. Charles Bornais, a mediocre worker, is a great manipulator. He has already been convicted twice for fraud. In the evening, he returns as usual to bed at his home where the corpses of his family lie. The man is strictly indifferent to the double crime he has just committed. On the second day, Charles Bornais installed a rope on the ceiling of his apartment before heading back to the Versailles café. Did he really think about committing suicide or was it staged? Charles Bornais writes a letter to the police and assures them: when they come to his house, his body will be drowned in the Seine. However, when the authorities arrived, the murderous strategist was still in Versailles in front of his café crème. What's next for the "strangler monster" plan? Pierre Bellemare tells this incredible story in this episode of the podcast “The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare”, from the Europe 1 archives and produced by Europe 1 Studio.


Production and musical composition: Julien Tharaud

Production: Sébastien Guyot

Sound heritage: Sylvaine Denis, Laetitia Casanova, Antoine Reclus

Writing and distribution: Lisa Soster

Creation of the visual: Sidonie Mangin

Thanks to Roselyne Bellemare and Mariapia Bracchi-Bellemare