Europe 1 Archives SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:30 a.m., January 30, 2024

[ARCHIVE EUROPE 1 - The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare] In a hotel room in a small town in Provence, two bodies lie on the floor. Adèle is seriously injured in the head and near her, her boyfriend, Frédéric, safe and sound, revolver in hand. Frédéric is a young man with a complex profile. His mother died when he was just a child. He will never know maternal love and tenderness. It was when he was twenty that his father married again, this time to a very young woman, Anne. Anne is the same age as Frédéric and very quickly, the young man feels the love he has always dreamed of. Through her, it is his mother that the young man loves. For a year, Frédéric spent all his days at the bedside of Anne, who was ill with tuberculosis. This gentle and feminine presence captivates him so much that his father quickly puts the brakes on this relationship, although it is entirely platonic. Three months later, the young mother-in-law died. Frédéric sinks into despair until the day he meets Adèle. It's love at first sight. Their affair lasted three years. But it doesn't take long for their relationship to take a tragic turn. Why does Frédéric feel so guilty about having a relationship with this woman? How did the couple end up bleeding in this hotel? It is true that Adèle strangely resembles her missing mother-in-law, Anne… Pierre Bellemare tells this incredible story in this episode of the podcast “The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare”, from the archives of Europe 1 and produced by Europe 1 Studio.


Production and musical composition: Julien Tharaud

Production: Sébastien Guyot

Sound heritage: Sylvaine Denis, Laetitia Casanova, Antoine Reclus

Writing and distribution: Lisa Soster

Creation of the visual: Sidonie Mangin

Thanks to Roselyne Bellemare and Mariapia Bracchi-Bellemare