Europe 1 Archives SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:00, January 30, 2024

[EUROPE ARCHIVE 1 - The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare] In the 18th arrondissement of Paris, lives a lady with black eyes and a drooping mouth: Jeanne Weber. In the neighborhood, everyone pities this poor woman who recently lost her two little daughters; All he has left is his son, Marcel. Jeanne Weber adores children and to console her, mothers in the neighborhood do not hesitate to entrust her with their little ones. But the horror happens again. The two little girls entrusted to him by his sister-in-law for the day have just died in the Webers' apartment. The purple marks on the little ones' necks did not alert the doctors, little Georgette had an abscess in her lungs and little Suzanne had a congenital lesion in her larynx. But when Jeanne Weber then babysits another couple's baby, the little one in turn no longer breathes. Then it is now Marcel, his last son, who is suffocating. The nanny from the 18th arrondissement is finally suspected. However, in 1906, when she was tried, Jeanne Weber was cleared. On the other hand, the people condemn it and "the ogress of the Goutte d'Or" flees Paris. She disappeared until 1907 when a certain “Madame Blaise” noticed the death of a boy in her care. This strange woman is actually Jeanne Weber. But this time again, on the bench, Jeanne Weber is acquitted. The ogress can thus start her sordid rituals again until the day she is caught in the act... Pierre Bellemare tells this incredible story in this episode of the podcast "The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare", from the archives of Europe 1 and produced by Europe 1 Studio.


Direction and musical composition:

 Julien Tharaud


 Sébastien Guyot

Sound heritage:

 Sylvaine Denis, Laetitia Casanova, Antoine Reclus

Writing and distribution:

 Lisa Soster

Creation of the visual:

 Sidonie Mangin


 to Roselyne Bellemare and Mariapia Bracchi-Bellemare