Report from this newspaper (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter He Chunzhong) On January 27, the National Fire Rescue Bureau held a national video conference to mobilize the national fire rescue team to learn lessons from recent fire accidents and go all out to promote the solution of outstanding fire safety risk issues. , resolutely curb the trend of frequent fires. Since January 28, the National Fire and Rescue Bureau has dispatched 10 supervision teams to various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to carry out full-coverage supervision and inspections, and urge various localities to carry out investigation and rectification work.

  Qiong Se, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management and director of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, attended the meeting and made work arrangements. Hao Junhui, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management, director of the Political Department, and political commissar of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

  The meeting requested that the national fire rescue team should go all out to carry out a major rectification campaign to eliminate fire safety hazards, focus on "nine small places", multi-business mixed production and operation places, and crowded places, and focus on solving illegal and illegal construction operations and production operations. For three types of problems, including insufficient safe evacuation conditions and illegal installation of anti-theft nets and billboards, we should act as the "main force" to eliminate the troubles and the "main pusher" to overcome difficulties, mobilize forces on all fronts, and fight a massive people's war.

  The meeting emphasized that centralized action should be taken as a party committee project, and mechanisms such as party committee discussion and prevention, supervision of major matters, and effectiveness should be implemented. The fire safety situation in the jurisdiction should be specially studied and judged, major risks and hidden dangers should be identified, action plans should be formulated, and implementation should be pragmatically promoted. We must focus on the "six major actions" to eliminate the problem. Major inspections must be comprehensive, major rectifications must be real and effective, major exposures must hit the key points, major drills must be practical training, general talks must create a deterrent, and major supervisors must go directly to the scene. , addressing both the symptoms and root causes of outstanding risk issues. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen bottom-line thinking and extreme thinking, and make adequate emergency rescue preparations.

  Source: China Youth Daily