It could be around 4,500 tonnes of filling material on the property on the outskirts of Norberg. Of that, 1-5 percent is deemed to be material that must not be there: plastic, electric cables, car tires and other material. That estimate is made by an expert from the police's National Forensic Center (NFC) in police investigations.

NFC has been to the property in Norberg and taken extensive samples of the soil which have since been analysed. The material contains, among other things, measured levels of the substance PCB7 which are so high that they are deemed to pose a danger to human health or the environment. This is what the prosecutors mean in their lawsuit at the indictment on December 28, 2023.

An opinion that environmental inspector Leif Markfjärd partially shares.

- It is not an immediate risk, but it can be a long-term risk.

The big trial will be held at Södertörn district court in southern Stockholm. It is currently unclear when it will begin.

Car parts and ground construction waste - that's how it was dumped in Norberg

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See how the scandalous company Think Pink is suspected of having dumped environmentally hazardous waste on an industrial site in Norberg. Photo: SVT/Police's preliminary investigation