Parliamentarian Tatjana Ždanoka has long pursued an openly pro-Russian policy and has refused to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, says Expressen, which has collaborated with, among others, the independent Russian newspaper The Insider.

Leaked emails show her communications with contacts within the FSB. It shows how Tatjana Ždanoka forwards internal EU discussions and plans. Other emails show her arranging a meeting with her contact at a train station in Brussels.

"Extremely serious"

The parliamentarian writes in an email to The Insider that the emails are genuine, but claims to have been unaware that the people she had contact with belonged to the FSB.

During her 20 years in the European Parliament, Tatjana Ždanoka has been a member of the group The Greens/European Free Alliance (EFA), which includes the Swedish Environmental Party. Alice Bah Kuhnke, Member of Parliament for the Green Party and vice president of the Green/European Free Alliance reacts strongly to the information.

- It is extremely unpleasant and serious and problematic. She is a threat to what the EU is supposed to fight for, she tells Expressen.


- When we were going to vote and she could not condemn Russia's unjust war of aggression against Ukraine, we protested from the environmental parties to the EFA and said that she must leave our group, says Alice Bah Kuhnke.

Tatjana Ždanoka is still in the parliament but she left the EFA voluntarily in 2022.