Marta Belver Madrid


Updated Monday, January 29, 2024-12:28

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José María Aznar

has clearly positioned himself this Monday in favor of a victory for one of the two sides in the war that has been raging in the Middle East for more than three months. "For me it is absolutely essential that Israel wins this war and ends it well. And winning it and ending it well is not only putting an end to Hamas, it is guaranteeing security conditions for the future," stated the former head of the Government in his usual style. straight.

During a speech at a forum organized by the Faes Foundation, which he himself resides, the PP politician predicted that if the army of

Benjamin Netanyahu

's Government were not the winner, "the next war would be on the borders closest to Europe and, within the borders closest to Europe, in the weakest borders". To which he added: "I'm not going to continue any further, I don't want to be more precise."

The person who was in charge of La Moncloa between 1996 and 2004 has also referred to his status as a "conservative liberal" to endorse

Winston Churchill

's maxim that "there is no better foreign policy than an internal policy, than having the house in order is the best foreign policy". "And the Americans have a messy house, the American house is a very messy house," he added.

In this sense, he has stressed that currently "the confrontation in the US is a pre-civil war confrontation" and that "they have never been so close to civil confrontation since the civil war of the 19th century." For this reason, he has said that if at this moment he had foreign policy responsibilities - "which I do not have nor do I want" - he would commission his collaborators "to study what a second presidency of [

Donald] Trump

could be ", implying implicitly that it is the solution to the current management of the

Joe Biden

Administration .