Russian sources have shown an image of one of the waterborne drones used in a coordinated attack on the Sevastopol naval base on the Crimean peninsula on July 16. Then the attack was repelled and the drone was shot down. Judging by the pictures, it appears to be a modified jet ski.

Even in the attack on the Kerch Bridge, the bridge over to the Crimean peninsula, the following day it is said to have been waterborne drones. Some observers now believe it may be the same or similar type used.

Although the images come from Russian sources, Johan Houvinen considers them credible.

"It does not give a positive image of Russia that Ukraine attacks Sevastopol with waterborne drones several times.

Reverse trend in weapon development

Ukraine has shown itself innovative earlier in the war, mainly in terms of airborne drones. Among other things, as SVT Nyheter previously reported, a holder for grenades has been put on ordinary civilian drones and racing drones have been used as suicide bombs.

Now a similar development seems to be taking place on the marine side, according to Johan Houvinen. He describes it as a kind of reverse trend in weapons development.

"Traditionally, the military industry tends to be at the forefront and then products are developed that are used for civilian purposes, such as the GPS system. Now we see the opposite, that civilian technology is used in military systems.

Great technical know-how is required to use personal watercraft

If it is jet skis that have been used in the attack on the bridge, it is something that has required a great deal of technical know-how, says Houvinen.

"The fact that they are unmanned, can travel such a long distance and still arrive and strike the bridge with high precision in what is probably flowing water, it is very interesting from a military and technical perspective.