Hitachi in Ludvika recently secured a gigantic order that is expected to provide around 1,000 new jobs. One of those who will work there in the future is Gustav Johansson, who after the summer will start on a trainee program at the company. After that, permanent jobs await.

"It's fun, there may be opportunities to work elsewhere than in Sweden as well," he says.

Half start working

According to a study from CSN and UHR, the Swedish Council for Higher Education conducted in 2022, about half of all upper secondary school students are expected to start working after school.

– I think most people will work now for a while and then continue studying, there are a few who continue studying immediately, says Gustav Johansson about his class.

"They're in gold mode"

He is the only one in the class who has been given a place on the trainee programme. Several have found summer jobs at Hitachi, but not all.

"I would like everyone to get a job, but I understand the company, there are so many people applying," says principal Erik Norgren, who still believes that the future is bright for the students.

"These young people have an incredible future, they are in gold mode.