"We are in a tragic situation today: a child dies every five days in his family environment as a result of violence. Two to three children per class will experience incest. This concerns one in ten adults. A child is sexually assaulted every three minutes," Caubel told AFP.

She wants to "challenge her colleagues" in the government: "the fight against violence against children must become a fight at the height of the fight we have led against violence against women," she said.

The Secretary of State wants to broadcast "a shock campaign type road safety" to raise awareness of incest, in mid-September shortly after the start of the school year.

"The numbers are astronomical and nobody wants to see them. Everyone has to open their eyes, all adults have to feel concerned," explains Ms. Caubel.

The plan also aims to equip professionals in contact with children to better detect and report sexual violence: training will be set up using tools developed by the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (Ciivise).

The plan also intends to create a platform to support and guide professionals who have suspicions.

"I want the government to carry out a discourse mobilizing society: it does not happen only to others, it is massive, pay attention to your children and ask yourself about the behavior you have towards them," says Ms. Caubel.

This 2023-27 plan will take over from the 2020-22 plan against violence against children launched during the first five-year period.

The fight against violence against children must be addressed by "a collective and transversal approach", because violence takes place at school, at the sports club, on digital, notes Ms. Caubel, judging that it is necessary to "empower the parents of bullying children".

After the suicide of the young Lindsay victim of harassment, "young people made a group +I will be at your funeral and I rejoice +", she notes, judging that "we are also in a slope of decivilization".

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