Just over every ten years, the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations are reviewed by a collection of researchers and experts. The material will be presented on June 20, but already some advice has been leaked. Among other things, Svenska Dagbladet could reveal that breastfeeding women are completely discouraged from drinking alcohol.

The council created a debate in which, among others, Agnes would, professor of clinical bacteriology, called the announcement "retrograde and moral". The Swedish research community is also divided on the issue.

The National Food Agency's recommendations and advice are aligned with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and will therefore be reviewed. Once the report lands at the authority, Åsa Brugard Konde, nutritionist, is one of those who will go through the material and see if the Swedish advice should be screwed up.

Not sure that Sweden completely advises against alcohol

The National Food Agency's current advice is that: "Breastfeeding people should not drink more than 1-2 glasses of wine or the equivalent of 1-2 times a week."

But the fact that the Nordic recommendations completely advise breastfeeding people against drinking alcohol does not necessarily mean that Sweden is taking the same line.

"We need to go in and look at the material. It is difficult to conduct research in this area, and then one can imagine that the recommendation is that you should completely abstain from alcohol just in case. At the same time, we as an authority do not want to make any unnecessary restriction on how people should live, says Åsa Brugard Konde.

Hear more in the clip about how the recommendations should be developed.