"You need to look at this more carefully," one person wrote in May to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The person claims to have insight into Öland Zoo.

The person writes after reading SVT Nyheter's revelation about Öland Zoo: that the authority ended its investigation into an incident with a Siberian tiger - despite information that the park did not tell the truth.

The park claimed that they investigated the incident, where the trainee Niklas was trapped with the tiger, together with Niklas' school. But the school denies that they received any information about the incident from Öland Zoo.

Niklas himself is not aware of any investigation – on the contrary, he believes that the park told him to keep quiet about the incident.

Opening investigation

The new tip is largely subject to confidentiality. How the person has access to the zoo is not clear. But the Swedish Work Environment Authority has now reopened the case – which was closed just over a month ago.

"We look at it, of course, and evaluate the information. That's what I can say, says Rickard Palm, administrator at the Swedish Work Environment Authority to SVT.

At present, the authority will not do anything directly related to the "tiger incident", says unit manager Kristina Gavare. However, they are now considering what "additional enforcement efforts" they should make against Öland Zoo.

What is the reason for these efforts?

"It's a weighted assessment of the signals we've received regarding Öland Zoo, from the media and from this tip," she says.

The authority is awaiting the ongoing preliminary investigation into work environment violations.

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In the video, you get a summary of the event – in 60 seconds. Photo: SVT/Google Earth