Inner strength is not a trait of a child being born, but it develops as a result of his social interaction with his parents, who lay the foundation for his development during his early years.

During primary education and adulthood, the goal is to maintain this relationship between the child and his parents, as the family, along with the school environment, has the greatest influence on how children learn how to deal with stress situations and difficult situations, in a good way.

Here are 7 tips for two experts on how parents can boost their children's self-confidence.

1- Give a signal of love and support

Michael Jocke, from the German Federal Centre for Health Education in Cologne, says that "it is essential that parents are by their children's side in order to develop their personalities, by talking to them, while offering support and confidence to the child."

She explained that children who feel loved and accepted, will have easier to develop good feelings about themselves.

Christian Kotek, a parenting coach in Munich, spoke of a child's need for "family warmth", which includes feeling loved at home and able to relax.

2- Give full attention

Even if they are no longer young, even if they are able to do many things, children need the full attention of their parents so that they can build a strong sense of self-worth.

"Parents should put their smartphones aside more than usual and dedicate themselves fully to their children," advises Christiane Kotek, as this shows the child how important it is to his parents and provides an atmosphere for talking about experiences.

3- Identify positive signals

Kotik points out that children need emotional support during primary education and adulthood, and should get a positive boost, with a good start to the day, for example, and adds that "parents and children should have enough time to say to each other, 'Bye, before going to school,' which supports the child when his parents send him to school with good wishes.

Children need a hobby to enhance their personality (Getty Images)

4- Parents should be role models in dealing

In their daily lives, children can face different kinds of problems. "Parents can support their children by explaining how they are coping with the burdens they face on their own," says Goke, urging them to stay calm and seek and accept support when needed.

5- Learn to resolve conflicts

Children learn within their family, through their parents, how to deal with conflicts and how to resolve them. Parents are very important role models. "Children have to deal with conflict resolution themselves, without parental intervention. Especially when they deal with others of the same age, or with siblings." To achieve this, children must learn to talk to each other and reach compromises, as this gives them self-confidence when facing difficult situations.

6. Promote independence

The older children become, the greater the need to encourage them to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions. "When children experience things for themselves and learn from their mistakes, they also get to know themselves better," says Goke, thus growing their courage and self-confidence.

7- Encouraging talents and hobbies

"From elementary school onwards, children need a hobby to enhance their personality, and at best it is an out-of-school hobby," Kotek advises. If the child does not express any desire, he should be encouraged to discover his interests and talents, as the child's awareness that he is good at doing something enhances his awareness of himself. At the same time, hobbies can balance daily school life and help reduce stress.