In 2020, the then government decided on a national plan for the reassessment of hydropower. This means that more than 2000,<> power plants and dams will be assessed and that many will disappear. This has a major impact on, for example, bathing areas in ponds and changes in water levels that affect the surroundings.

Now owners of hydroelectric power plants are forced to modernize in order to free up migration routes for fish. Or it will be like in Bergby, where Kvarndammen, a popular gathering place for bathers, is being dismantled.

Critical locals

On Tuesday, the Land and Environment Court from Östersund was in Bergby to assess whether the demolition can take place in a legal way. A number of locals have expressed criticism of the disappearance of the dam, most of whom were present during the hearing.

According to the power plant company, it is not possible to terminate water operations if the dam is left in place.

The County Administrative Board estimates that around a hundred power plants and another 50 dams in Gävleborg face the same choice as Bergby, which is early in a national plan for testing environmental permits that extends over 20 years.

The court's decision on the demolition in Bergby will be announced on June 27.

Hear more in the clip above.