The situation at the Sis accommodation in the Gothenburg area has been strained recently. At the beginning of last week, a new escape attempt took place from the accommodation Nereby in Bergsjön and on Thursday SVT Nyheter Väst was on site when barbed wire was put up on an already existing fence.

"High risk of deviation"

SVT has now taken note of a SIS own risk analysis of putting up the barbed wire. It shows that there is a serious risk that young people can get cuts from barbed wire and that, in the worst case, it can lead to death.

There is also a smaller risk that the barbed wire itself can "trigger" escape attempts.

Is barbed wire appropriate if the young people at the shelter have self-harm or feel mentally ill?

"We need to constantly think about what kind of target group we have. Those who are placed in this home have such a high risk of deviation that we need to strengthen security in this way, says Anna Sandahl.

Save the Children critical

Save the Children has previously criticised the barbed wire when it was put up.

"It can be scary, you can get a lot of questions. It may also be that you identify even more as a gang criminal and that the barbed wire becomes a further step in this, said Erik Ulnes, policy adviser at Save the Children in Gothenburg.

The Sis accommodation's measures will now include having staff present when staying outdoors in the area and making updated safety assessments.