China News Network, May 5 According to the US "Washington Post" reported on 27 May, two days before the 25th birthday of former US Secretary of State and famous diplomat Henry Kissinger, his son David Kissinger wrote an article sharing his father's recent situation and a guide to longevity.

The pandemic hasn't slowed Kissinger down. Since 2020, he has completed the creation of two books and is working on a third new book.

"Earlier this week, he returned from Lisbon, Portugal, from a Bilderberg conference, just in time for a series of celebrations for his 100th birthday." According to David, these activities will take him flying from New York to London and finally back to his hometown of Forte, Germany.

Image source: Screenshot of the Washington Post report

"Not only did he live longer than most of his peers, critics, and his school life, but he remained tirelessly active in the public eye even after the age of 90." David pointed out.

When it comes to wellness, David believes that his father's secret to longevity is particularly magical.

In the article, David summarizes several characteristics of his father, saying that these may help him maintain lasting physical and mental vitality.

First, a diet of plenty of German sausages and Wiener schnitzel, a profession that makes decisions under brutal pressure, and a lifestyle that watches sports.

Second, he has an irrepressible curiosity, which keeps him energetic to interact with the world. His brain is like a "heat tracking" weapon, identifying and proactively responding to the challenges of the moment. David also revealed that about 5 years ago, 95-year-old Kissinger became obsessed with the philosophical and practical significance of artificial intelligence again.

Third, another secret of his father's longevity is his sense of mission. In the article, David wrote, "He deeply believed in 'mysterious' concepts such as patriotism, loyalty, and bipartisanship. He was pained to see the squalor in today's public discourse and the collapse of the art of diplomacy. ”

Data map: Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

In addition, David recalled the warm friendship between his father and people who were politically different from him when he was a child. "Even at a time of ongoing Cold War tensions, Soviet Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Dobrenin, remained a frequent visitor to our home. The two of them occasionally play chess between discussing issues that affect the fate of the entire planet. ”

At a time when the two nuclear superpowers appear to be in conflict, these regular conversations help de-escalate tensions, David wrote. "It would be nice if in today's global tensions, there would be such regular conversations between the top players."

But David stressed that outside of chess, his father never saw diplomacy as a child's play. He practices it with commitment and tenacity gained through personal experience.