Nitrous oxide as an intoxicant has become increasingly common in many places in the country. In Vaggeryd there is a growing problem. In more and more places, nitrous oxide cartridges are now being found. For example, at Movalla sports ground in Skillingaryd.

Young people we meet in Vaggeryd now tell us that they see people in public places taking nitrous oxide on a daily basis.

"It's popular with young people. What I know about the risks is that you can get brain damage, says 19-year-old Lukas Jareklev.

Bans underway in other cities

In Bollnäs municipality, politicians are now about to decide on a local ban on nitrous oxide in public places. The decision is expected to be passed at the next council meeting.

Gert Jonsson (M), chairman of the municipal executive board in Vaggeryd, does not rule out a similar decision.

"We haven't discussed it, but we want to get to grips with the problem, so it's not impossible.

In the clip above, one of the young people we met in Vaggeryd talks about how those who take nitrous oxide react.