• Live Elections 28-M, live
  • 28-M Feijóo demands Sánchez explanations for the postal voting schemes: "You can not hide"

They say it with small mouths, afraid of malfario. They also say it with the doubts of those who see politics from within, with a tubular vision. And they say it with the handbrake on because all the polls agree that everything is very close. They say it as a spell or as self-affirmation therapy. But they say it. The main leaders of the PP say it and repeat it every time they are asked: "Things are going very well."

Things are the trackings -to which this diar has accessed

io-, in which the


rise and consolidate majorities with


, on demoscopic paper. The general feeling in the main opposition party is that the PP will regain some of the big fiefdoms of the


and that it will obtain a victory in the global calculation of the local elections, but there is a high halo of uncertainty. Everything will depend on the "hidden vote plus" that "sure" there will be on Sunday, reveals a leader of the immediate environment of



This leader calculates that this percentage of votes will be definitive in at least five communities. In

Community of Valencia



, that "plus" will fall on the side of the PP, he says, while in

Castile-La Mancha



believes that it will be the socialist barons who will benefit from that small percentage of the vote that passes under the radar of the polls, but that "there is", like the meigas that propitiated the absolute majorities of Feijóo.

The internal polls of the PP predict the absolute majority for the sum with Vox both in Aragon and in the Valencian Community. Just yesterday, the


They were no longer located so much in the "photo finish" between blocks as in a somewhat more consolidated front on the right. The absolute majority of the Valencian Parliament is 50 seats, and the right already exceeds it in the fork.

The polls that Page handles give him a comfortable absolute majority

The bloc is also above the 34 that mark the governability in Aragon, although with the doubt, yes, of whether


will come into


-the threshold is 3%-. On the contrary, the


handles polls in which PP and Vox are just on the verge of the Aragonese absolute majority. Everything would depend, therefore, on

Aragon exists


In Castilla-La Mancha, the popular leadership believes that

Emiliano Garcia-Page

It is close to the absolute majority, which is 17 parliamentarians. "16-17", says one of the main leaders, who believes that the socialist baron could also have that "plus" of undecided voters in his favor.

Demoscopy diverges in this community. If the daily polls of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha yesterday showed the fixed picture of a very, very fair majority for the right, those of the PSOE gave Page twice as many seats as

Paco Nunez

, and a very comfortable absolute majority. "We're going to get 20 points out of them."



, in Genoa assure that the battle of arithmetic will be "very even", while in the team of

Marga Prohens

consider the sum consolidated with Vox or with the

Pi-Proposta per les Illes Balears

: "There will be change, for sure." And the PP of Extremadura clings to a surprise that in Genoa they do not see disposable, but not easy either. "Anything can happen, we can win perfectly," they say.

Mazón and Azcón would take power, according to the 'trackings' of the PP

Along with the useful vote of Citizens -to which Feijóo will appeal at the end of the campaign, together with




in Ifema, Madrid-, another of the keys to the final sprint of the campaign is what young people will do. The


They have already begun to see an increase in voters aged 18 to 29, "which is the age group where the left is most competitive." In Genoa they say that "in 1996 and 2011 young people were decisive for the victories of




", and add that now, "for the first time" in several years, "the PP has surpassed Vox in that strip".

"In the young vote Vox beat us and now we would be in a position to be first among the young people of the right," insist the sources consulted. "If that difference between the PSOE and the PP in the strip up to 29 years narrows, Sánchez has very difficult to get good results," they settle in the dome of the conservatives.

A third key will be "the remains." That is, the last seat in each province. The last parliamentary representative from each province may depend on very few votes. "He can dance easily," says one of Genoa's top leaders. If this forecast is fulfilled, what will decide the result will be, in effect, the "hidden vote bonus".