• TV Jorge Javier Vázquez: "Some point to Rocío Carrasco as the destroyer of Save me"
  • Patrimonio Jorge Javier Vázquez buys a new case of 1.5 million in the middle of the crisis of Sálvame

We live in a country where our most iconic character fought windmills and defined freedom as "one of the most precious gifts given to men by heaven; With it can not be equaled the treasures that the earth encloses nor the sea conceals, for freedom (...) life can and must be ventured".

And they called him crazy. Of course.

I want heterodox, those who question traditional and majority norms by acting differently. Desire for characters uncomfortable for the establishment and with a popular pull so great that the power agrees to stone them, burn them at the stake or cancel them.

The heterodox are characters that annoy because they put their finger in the wound, because they make you think, they generate countercurrent and drive you crazy, they exhaust you, you would like to kill them ... And yet, you can't help but recognize his genius.

My friend Jorge Javier Vázquez is one of them.

Jesus Christ was a heterodox, also Galileo, who was forced to affirm that the Sun revolves around a motionless earth and not vice versa as he defended. Perhaps it is only a legend, but after being judged by the Inquisition and forced to recant, Galileo uttered those words: "And yet it moves."

Marie Curie, Clara Campoamor, Coco Chanel... heterodox lost. Alfred Hitchcock another heterodox who was ignored by the industry (he did not receive an Oscar) and by critics. But the public loved it and the movie theaters were too small when it premiered. The system tends to hate the awkward and does anything to wipe them off the map. The system is stubborn and does not learn, because the system is made up of cowardly people, unable to move anything for fear of losing the niche they occupy. The system is not a faceless monster, they are lords who have built a steel shell around their fear. Or as Serrat defined them: "Straw men who use the colony and honor to hide dark intentions" Another heterodox manual, Serrat.


And of course, heterodox like Jorge Javier, Serrat or Conan O'Brien threaten that the niche in which the powerful feel so comfortable ends up being their mortuary niche.

The heterodox is brave, not only because he puts the world by the top and dares to go against the single thought, but because he is not afraid to look at himself as he is, without cheating himself, because he is able to see his miseries and assume them or, at least, not hide them or put a filter on them.

Jorge Javier Vázquez is the hammer that strikes our consciences. He does it from television, a suspicious medium of entry, and he does it from entertainment programs, a heresy for well-thinking minds.

It has been said a thousand times but I repeat it for not if it has not penetrated, Save me is a program that goes about life, about human relationships, about the behaviors to which our time and our society takes us. It is an infinite reality (then its end has not arrived...) It is daily and live pop culture, an artistic workshop in which every day a fresco of our society is drawn, a mirror. And Jorge Javier is the one who has control of that mirror, who directs it with great intelligence in one direction or another so that we see ourselves in certain attitudes or making certain decisions. And we don't always like what we see, because we are imperfect, ugly, bad people at times, we are classist, selfish, petty, pimp and asshole.

Adrián Madrid (left) and Óscar Cornejo.GTRES

Jorge is the opposite of Instagram filters. He teaches us as we are, he has no mercy with us, nor with him, because he also shows himself as he is. Kate Winslet refused to use digital effects in the Mare of Easttown series: "Guys, I know the wrinkles in my eyes, please give them all back to me,'" she told the team. Emma Thompson showed a full nude in a 2022 film to claim the real body of a woman in her 60s. Jorge has been doing a comprehensive nude of his soul for 20 years, the wrinkles in the eyes he leaves to Winslet, who likes a scalpel more than a fool a vote, but he does not hide it.

Jorge has screwed her up many times and he has not dropped his rings for explaining himself, for recognizing that he is imperfect, that he hates himself more than he should for believing himself a God in the afternoon and feeling ashamed of himself at night, for talking on TV and in his columns as if nobody listened to him and then realizing that the President of the Government has listened to him, and much to their regret, also that of the opposition.

Jorge always carries the mirror in his hands, both on television and in short distances, he speaks so frankly, with such intelligence and with so little filter that what he says often pushes you to remove the bags from his eyes without a scalpel, although you know that his puyas, his sarcastic praise and his sharp loquacity confronts you with yourself and helps you to love yourself as you are. And when Jorge puts that mirror in front of him, he can't help but look red, faggot, too short, a little overweight, a little overbearing, more mouthy than he would like, irritating, frustrated... but also brave, fighter, hardworking to exhaustion, with a tremendous desire to be loved and accepted, defender of lost causes despite being in a position where everything could be brought to the pairo ... Jorge escapes through his pores the frightened inner child of the San Roc neighborhood of Badalona who was torn from a bustling and libertine public school to go to an Opus institute.

Jorge Javier and Ana Quintana.GTRES

There are many of us who want Jorge Javier (I attest that also those who really rule in Mediaset, those who know television). Wanting you to recover and return to TV very soon (we need you); You want your carefree lucidity, your connection with the earth despite being placed in a media Olympus.

Desire for Jorge, Adrián, Paolo, Alessandro and Mediaset. Desire for imperfection, insolence, to want to cross the red line, to throw the stone and not hide my hand, to give me the same everything, to show my face and shout the king is naked!, desire to put the batteries on me, that someone on TV provokes me saying: "This program is about reds and faggots" (although I do not think so and surely he does not either).

Desire of Belén Esteban. With a personality impossible to control because he has the best of the right and the best of the left. Belén is transparent, authentic, honest and very loyal. Desire of Lydia, Terelu, the Kikos, Chelo, Victor, Maria, Gema, Antonio, Carlota, David, Alberto, Germán, Nuria... For 14 years they have been our reflection, they have explained to us how we are and have helped us to understand each other. They have opened up a channel for us to learn. And they don't care that the worthy of the salon laugh at them, look down on them and look over their shoulders, because those who would not touch them even with a stick, those are the rare ones, those are the ones who are alone. Sálvame closes a stage on June 23, but its energy circulates at full speed through our society and does not stop by closing a stopcock or locking a door. They are an unstoppable current.

Let no one be deceived, heterodox like Jorge Javier represent authentic freedom (not the one handled by politicians' marketing teams), authentic rebellion and hooliganism. The constant joy of being alive in a world that can be hilarious despite the leaden reality.

Without figures like Jorge's we run the risk of standardizing, self-whitening and stagnating in complacent boredom. Indoctrination comes when there is a shortage of Georges. Grey is not the mixture of black and white, it is the absence of Jorge. And power should want George instead of fearing him, because the Jorges represent millions of people who need an escape valve. The cancellation of Jorges may achieve a first moment of false peace in which the power feels that the lame fly has disappeared. But the emptiness of the Jorges is dangerous for power because the cancelled Jorges become icons, heroes with more strength than they had before being removed from the field. Gentlemen who hold power, whom Serrat defines so well, believe me: as soon as a heterodox says and yet moves, he tears down all your walls, dynamites all your trenches and people build bridges through which the truth re-enters. We have been analyzing the history of humanity for too long to continue believing in putting doors to the field. The victories of the cenutrios are increasingly pyrrhic and last less and less.

  • Jorge Javier Vazquez
  • Save me
  • Operation Deluxe

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