On Wednesday, SVT reported that the social welfare board is closing two homes for people in adult care. This is done to be able to put more resources into initiatives for children and young people, where the municipality thinks there is the greatest need.

At the support housing Klostergatan there are 20 places for young adults who, due to, for example, mental illness, substance abuse or a criminal past, live to get on their feet, get a job and eventually their own household.

We have met Kevin who moved there due to homelessness and a drug addiction. In the clip, he talks about the worry about the future when he is not allowed to stay at the accommodation.

High pressure

– It feels like we were probably a little surprised from the beginning given the occupancy and the needs we see, says Martin Franzén, behavioral scientist at the accommodation.

He says that they have had full occupancy and also a queue in.

Pays for itself

Those who stay at the accommodation pay their own fee and pay for their own food.

"We don't do any activities and are out on weekends and things that cost money," says Martin Franzén.

The staff understands that priorities must be set, but that it is sad as they believe that supported housing makes a difference.

"When I travelled by train, I saw one of our old residents who worked as a train conductor and another I met this weekend who is studying civil engineering," says resident supporter Veronica Enqvist.

Not as many stadiums

They also think that there will now be a hole to fill in adult care.

– There are many different arenas that can attract younger people, but what we see for our target group is that there is not the same amount of efforts and the same environment that can pay attention to things.

*Kevin's name is actually something else.