• Courts A court investigates TV3 presenters for mocking the Virgen del Rocío: "I've been 200 years without being able to throw a dust as God commands!"

The Court number 5 of Sant Feliu de Llobregat has summoned for next October 27 Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez, the presenters of the TV3 program 'Està passant' who made a gag in which they allegedly mocked the Virgen del Rocío in the middle of Holy Week. Judit Martín, the actress who appeared in this space characterized as the Virgen del Rocío, must also appear as accused. The three are accused of a crime against the Constitution, which includes derision, since during the program the Virgin "flirted with one of the directors of the program, even sending him a kiss and exclaiming "handsome!" and asking "are you with the traffic light in green?" and "and you? You who are more mature, but I do not disgust anything, eh?", according to the complaint filed by the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers.

In this sense, the judge has also accepted Christian Lawyers as a popular accusation in this procedure and requests that "the criminal records" of those investigated, if any, be incorporated into the procedure. The complaint pointed out that the accused allegedly committed this crime by mocking the Virgen del Rocío during the program since the actress uttered phrases such as "I'm hotter than the stick of a churrero" or "I've been 200 years without being able to throw a dust as God commands! Because while I take off my dress, my desire has already been taken away."

The complainants pointed out that the actress, within her role, "imitated the singing of a saeta and the samples of Christian devotion to the images that come out in procession. Meanwhile, the presenter Antoni Soler and his collaborator, Jair Domínguez, were laughing with a beating jaw. The impersonator complained about the costume of the Virgin, which she called 'rococo' while by comparison she said that the Virgin of Montserrat was 'minimalist'. Therefore, they believe that they could have committed this crime.

In addition to the judicial investigation, the parody raised political and religious blisters. The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moren, said that "humor is one of the hallmarks of our land, but to have grace it is done with respect and affection." In this sense, Moreno added that "it is a lack of respect for Andalusia, and thousands of Andalusians and their traditions. I hope that to ask for forgiveness they know how to do better." Also, the Federation of Andalusian Cultural Entities in Catalonia (FECAC) urged TV3 to ask for "public apologies" since they consider the "mockery" of the Virgin in the humor space of "very bad taste" and "deserves the most energetic rejection".

Also the Episcopal Conference of Tarragona and the bishop of Huelva, Santiago Gómez, lamented the joke of the Virgin and recalled that freedom of expression "can not offend religious beliefs, not even of Rocieros Catholics. The right to freedom of thought and expression, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cannot imply the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers. A principle that obviously applies to any religion."

However, in the emission of the 'Està Passant' after the controversy, Toni Soler said that "we apologize to the president of Andalusia for accusing us of belittling the Andalusians" as well as "we demand apologies to the politicians here and there who have taken advantage of this to scratch four votes, two in the case of Citizens. " "We demand apologies from the Catalan bishops for caring more about TV3's humor than about pedophilia" and "we demand apologies from Christian Lawyers for taking us to trial. Let them know that we will summon the Virgen del Rocío to testify in the defense. Ale, that's it! When we receive the apology, we still accept them," he added with irony, among other groups to which he asked to apologize.

  • Huelva
  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Citizenry
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • Articles Germán González

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