The strong spring flood in Tornedalen has meant, among other things, that many have suffered extensive water damage in various parts of the municipality.

"We don't know how many people have suffered injuries at the moment. Many do not even call us, but solve it themselves with their own pumps, says Roland Mäki, rescue manager in Övertorneå.

It was on 19 May that SMHI issued the first warning about extremely high flows in the Torne River.

The highest warning for flooding in the Torne River still applies, what do you say about the situation?

"It's still serious, but by seven o'clock this morning the water had subsided ten centimetres from the night and by the afternoon it has dropped another ten centimetres. So on the whole, things are moving in the right direction," says Roland Mäki.

Kjell-Hugo Mäki throws a ball that splashes around in the water inside the house and shows that he still has the gallows humour:

"Now I have an indoor pool! he says.