One evening in November 2021, a 47-year-old man was shot dead with multiple shots from an automatic weapon. Six men were charged with killing the man together. All of them denied, but Södertörn District Court considers that it has been proven that four of the accused men are guilty. According to the court, the four were so involved in the murder and did so in concert that they should be sentenced together.

"The murder has been preceded by careful planning where the 47-year-old has been lured to the place where he was murdered. It has been a case of a mere execution of an unarmed and unsuspecting person. The punishment can therefore only be imprisonment for life, says the presiding judge Göran Nilsson in a press release.

The four men are sentenced to life imprisonment and three of them also to deportation.

It has been reported in several media that there have been links to the Kurdish organization PKK and the Turkish state, something that the district court does not believe can be established as a sure motive for the murder.