"Even though it felt like my life was falling apart, it wasn't," she says on the program "Story: The Convicted Chief of Police."

Marilouise was convicted of minor drug offences and hacking. She still denies the drug offence. She lost her job, but events brought her to deal with her mental health, which she had struggled with throughout her life.

"I've always had a blackness inside me," says Marilouise, who says that she has been given medication for bipolar disorder.

In the program, Marilouise tells us that she has gone through a divorce. In combination with a stressful job and crisis reactions from other experiences, it eventually became too much. According to Marilouise, in the summer of 2018 she went into a manic state.

In the kilppet above, she tells us more. Watch the whole "Story: The convicted police" on May 18 at 21:30 on SVT2 or on SVT Play.