"We have to get to the bottom of this. In a first situation, I have sent a request for an extraordinary advisory council meeting with the national police chief in the coming week, says Rasmus Ling (MP), member of the Riksdag's Justice Committee and the police's advisory council, to Dagens Nyheter.

"We need to be able to ask questions about the licensing in general and whether he has felt political pressure.

The Police Advisory Council consists of representatives of all parliamentary parties and the National Police Commissioner. Formally, its purpose is to provide the public with insight into police activities.

According to information to DN, the police have been subjected to pressure by politicians from both the previous and the current government not to give a demonstration permit to Paludan. In a total of ten judgments, a number of different administrative courts have given the police a lesson for denying the permits.

The former Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (S) writes in an email to the newspaper: "The police continuously informed us about how they handled and prepared for the Koran burnings, but of course we never interfered in their licensing."

The current Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer's (M) press office writes: "How the Swedish Police Authority made its assessment in this matter is a matter for the authority."

Rasmus Paludan wants to leave Sweden: "The Swedish people don't get it"