Nearly 1,000 people had made their way to Götaplatsen in Gothenburg on Saturday, a place that has become central to the demonstrations against the regime in Iran in recent months. People from other European countries, such as Mastureh Mohammadi from Switzerland, had also come to the demonstration.

"I have flown here because I feel that the only thing we Iranians outside Iran can do is to come together and show that what is happening in the country is not okay.

One of the events highlighted during the demonstration was the recent executions. On Friday, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi, who were linked to the widespread protests following the death of Mahsa Amini in September last year, were executed. SVT News has also reported on the Swedish citizen Habib Chaab who was executed in Iran in early May.

"No more time to write and talk about this, the politicians must do something against the Iranian regime. People are dying on the streets of Iran right now," says Mastureh Mohammadi.

Parliamentary politicians present

Among the participants was also Member of Parliament Alireza Akhondi (C), who is one of the initiators behind several demonstrations against Iran's regime in Sweden.

"It makes me happy that the brave Iranian people continue to gather and be heard even though several months have passed since they murdered Mahsa Amini," said Alirez Akhdoni (C).

Start the clip to see and hear more from the demonstration in Gothenburg.