• Politics The Attorney General's Office rules out activating the illegalization of EH Bildu by applying the Law of Parties
  • Elections The PP rejects the illegalization of Bildu despite the pressure of Ayuso: "With the current law does not fit"

ETA is not still "alive," as Isabel Díaz Ayuso maintained. It was defeated by Spanish democracy. Those that "are still alive" are "the political ideas that they defended, that justified and that were in the environment of ETA". This is what the PP says in the argument that has been sent this Friday to the candidates, which has accessed EL MUNDO.

This is a totally different position from that of Ayuso, who on Thursday said: "Bildu is not heir to ETA, it is ETA. ETA is alive, it is in power, it lives on our money, it wants to destroy Spain, to deprive millions of Spaniards of their rights."

The question now asked by the PP campaign argument on account of these statements by the Madrid baroness is "Is ETA still alive?". And the answer includes a clear phrase: "Spanish democracy defeated ETA and now what is needed is to win" Bildu and defeat the legacy and "ideas" of that political space.

The document establishes answers for the most current issues, such as the electoral lists of Bildu or the possible fraud of the postal vote in Melilla. Of the 10 pages, six refer to the controversy over the inclusion of 44 people with links to terrorism on the ballots of the Abertzale formation. It is the debate that monopolizes the entire electoral campaign.

The president of the Community of Madrid and PP candidate for re-election, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.Ch. MoyaEFE

The Madrid leader also assured that she would outlaw Bildu: "I would say that by the Law of Parties by article 11 you can urge the Congress and the Senate to initiate these procedures in the competent room." It is a position that clashes head-on with the one set the day before by the national leadership of the PP. From Genoa they had assured that "with the current legislation", the illegalization "does not fit".

The campaign document marks the answer to the question "differences in the PP?". It is, he argues, "legal doubts", rather than a political gap between the leader of the opposition and the main candidate of his party in the 28-M. "There may be legal doubts about how to resolve such a complex issue, but I think no one doubts that the PP wants to put all possible mechanisms at its disposal to prevent a party like Bildu from carrying those convicted of terrorism on its lists," he explains.

"It is shameful that Sánchez, on the contrary, has done nothing to prevent it, not even mobilizing the State Advocacy. Nor ask Bildu to back down. Much less break with Bildu, "adds the document.

The PSOE, in the spotlight

The argument sent by the national leadership of the popular to the candidates does not quote Ayuso directly and focuses on the Socialists: "The PSOE is determined to talk about ETA and divert attention from its pacts with Bildu, we are not going to enter that game. "

"What the PSOE has to do is break with Bildu and apologize for the infamy that Sánchez poured in the Senate on the PP," they add, referring to the phrase pronounced by the president in Tuesday's debate in the Upper House, when he said that the PP "did the impossible to prevent the success of the effort of the then socialist government to end ETA." "It is undignified," judges the PP.

"It's clear that he's also hell-bent on rewriting history." "For the PSOE, ETA is something of the past that practically never existed, they ended the band, Bildu has nothing to do with ETA and what is current is Francoism," the document adds.

In this context, a final question arises. Has the PP raised the tone? "Each person has his style and parliamentary debate sometimes lends itself to a thick tone, but if there has been a shameful and insulting statement on this matter it has been that of a whole president of the Government accusing the opposition of having opposed the end of ETA. It is false, shameful and undignified, "insist the popular.

  • Autonomous Elections
  • Municipal Elections
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso
  • PP
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo

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