Haparanda bathhouse was closed in January 2020 due to moisture damage and mold. Now the plan is to build a new swimming and ball hall at a total cost of SEK 250 million.

If everything goes according to plan, the bathhouse will be completed at the turn of the year 2025/2026.

"It's a lot of money, but it's also an important investment for the municipality. We need to accelerate and brake at the same time, so we'll see how we can streamline other operations," says Nina Waara.

Concern for the children

During the time that Haparanda has been without a swimming pool, school children have had to go over to Finnish Tornio for swimming lessons instead.

"Before I took on this assignment, I worked as a physical education teacher and it is noticeable that during this time that we have not had a swimming pool, the swimming skills among the children have deteriorated," says Nina Waara

Haparanda City Council will make a decision on the swimming pool issue on Tuesday 16 May.

In the clip, you hear more about the venture.