It was in connection with the police conducting a check on Södergatan in Helsingborg in November 2022 that the man in his 20s met the gaze of a man of the same age. The other man perceived it as staring and threatened the victim's life if he appeared at Söder again.

Stabbed several times

When the victim was in the district the next day with friends, he had therefore armed himself with a brass knuckle. He was then confronted by the man of the same age from the day before, along with two other men. The three men drew a knife and the victim hit one man with his brass knuckles before trying to escape. He caught up, after which he received punches, kicks and several stab wounds.

At least one of the stab wounds, which the victim received in the back, is believed to have been life-threatening. But he survived and three men are now sentenced for attempted murder to ten years in prison.

Two were acquitted

Two other men were charged on suspicion of trying to stop the victim when he tried to flee – but they were acquitted by the district court.

"We cannot completely rule out that the 19-year-old in a panic was mistaken when he felt that they wanted to stop his escape and that they were subsequently involved in the continued beating," says acting alderman Erik Havelius in a press release.

The victim is fined for wearing brass knuckles.