• Televisió They warn of "legal actions" against TV3 for its "mockery" of the Virgen del Rocío
  • Politics Juanma Moreno regrets TV3's parody of the Virgen del Rocío: "I've been 200 years without being able to throw a dust as God commands!"

Andalusia will raise a formal complaint for the television parody broadcast on the regional channel of Catalonia TV3, which included mockery of the Virgen del Rocío and the Andalusian accent. It will be the Radio Television of Andalusia (RTVA) that presents the complaint to the Federation of Autonomous Radio and Television Organizations (Forta) for the images broadcast by the satirical program 'Està passant'.

This was announced on Sunday by the Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, who said that "we will demand measures to avoid this type of unpresentable attacks."

A few days ago, coinciding with Easter, the space 'Està passant' took out an actress dressed as the Virgen del Rocío with a doll in her hands that pretended to be the baby Jesus and was interviewed by the presenters Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez. During the program, the 'Virgin' complained about her bulky costume and when the presenters told her that their devotees want her dressed like this she sent them "to take for ass".

At one point in the interview, the actress dressed as 'Virgin' said that "I have not been able to throw a dust as God commands for 200 years!", due to the fact of having to take off her clothes and then added that she was "hotter than the stick of a churrero" while flirting with the presenters. The actress imitated the Andalusian accent and the presenters made jokes about her way of speaking as well as ironizing that the Virgen del Rocío does not go out in procession at Easter.

"From the Andalusian Government we consider it regrettable that Andalusia is attacked again in this way," said the Andalusian Minister of the Presidency, who believes that the images "have provoked the absolute indignation of the institutions and the Andalusians", since "they cross the limits of humor and freedom of expression".

For the Andalusian counselor, the television parody "is a real lack of respect for the Andalusian people, their culture and traditions." In addition, in Catalonia "there is a great devotion to the Virgen del Rocío", so he has demanded that those responsible for TV3 "apologize and that this type of affront does not happen again". The Government of Catalonia has been asked to "not allow this type of attacks in public media, which divide even Catalan society itself."

To the courts

The parody provoked a political and social storm that could bring those responsible for TV3 to justice. As EL MUNDO has been reporting, the Hermandad Matriz de Almonte, where the Virgin is, "studies possible legal actions, leading to safeguard the right to honor violated, for a misuse of the right to freedom of expression" and sent "a letter of rejection and rejection" to the president of the Generalitat Pere Aragonès, and the Minister of Culture, Natalia Garriga, for "the gratuitous offenses poured" in the TV3 program. They consider the parody "in very bad taste of the devotion rociera and particularly of the Sacred Image, to which thousands of Catalans and Spaniards profess their devotion".

Also the entity Christian Lawyers announced that they are studying "legal measures" against the parody of the Virgin made on TV3 since "against Christians not everything goes" and asked for "respect" for the faith.

This Saturday, the president of the Junta de Andalucía, the 'popular' Juanma Moreno, said that "humor is one of the hallmarks of our land, but to have grace it is done with respect and affection." In this sense, Moreno added that "it is a lack of respect for Andalusia, and thousands of Andalusians and their traditions. I hope that to ask for forgiveness they know how to do better."

Teresa Rodríguez, spokesperson for Adelante Andalucía, also told TV3 about this parody and recalled that "you can make humor out of everything. Also of Holy Week. But not with so much malaje, ignorance and Andalusian phobia (imitate the accent of your fucking pare, for being soft)".

To respond to this controversy Jair Domínguez said on social networks: "'Mess with Muhammad if you have balls'. We have gotten into it 50 times, but in my case I recognize that I have a predilection for making fun of sects controlled by pedophiles." While Toni Soler, also director of the program, responded to Juanma Moreno and his request that the presenters ask for "forgiveness" with a "you can wait sitting down".

  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • Teresa Rodriguez
  • Adelante Andalucía
  • Generalitat of Catalonia

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