On April 4, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the tree-planting site in Dongba Central Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing, to participate in voluntary tree planting with the people in the capital. In addition to personally shoveling soil to build pits, cultivating soil cofferdams, and lifting water for irrigation, the general secretary also had in-depth exchanges with the primary and secondary school students and cadres present, and talked about his thinking and understanding of the construction of a beautiful China in light of his own work and growth experience. After reading the news release broadcast by Xinhua News Agency that day, some netizens left a message: "The general secretary is really down-to-earth, and it is particularly meaningful. As netizens felt, from the general secretary's speech, we can understand a lot of deep meaning.

——Perseverance and continuous struggle are the secret of success.

"This is the eleventh time I have participated in tree-planting activities since I became general secretary of the party, counting the number of times I have participated in the central government, and I have participated in tree-planting activities during my work in Fujian, Zhejiang and Shanghai." A review shows decades of exemplary example and perseverance.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has said many times that "China is still a country with little forest and little green and fragile ecology on the whole", "China is not green enough and not good enough", "China's total amount of forest and grass resources is insufficient and the quality is still prominent". It is precisely for this reason that the general secretary stressed that afforestation is a very meaningful thing and a noble cause that contributes to the present and benefits the future, and it must be done consistently and continuously.

In the process of planting trees this time, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the primary and secondary school students present: "When you also become parents, let your children and grandchildren continue to plant trees, and continue to do it from generation to generation, this is how a beautiful China is built." ”

This is true for afforestation, especially for the great cause of national rejuvenation. "A generation has a mission of a generation", "A blueprint is drawn to the end, one stubble after another", "Success does not have to be in me, success must have me"... These simple truths mentioned by the general secretary are in the same vein and internally unified, which is the secret of our success to success.

-- We must seek truth from facts, adapt measures to local conditions, and not deviate from reality.

Some readers said that seeing what trees General Secretary Xi Jinping planted every year, he learned a lot of knowledge about tree types.

On the eve of the 2015 tree-planting activity, the general secretary gave clear instructions when reviewing the plan: "Tree species should be selected according to the actual needs of the plan and plot, not precious seedlings." ”

When planting trees this year, the general secretary pointed out based on his own life experience: "Beijing used to plant more willow trees, because Beijing is suitable for planting willow trees, and at the same time, we should pay attention to combining the proportion of coniferous and broad-scale forests to make it more in line with the requirements of biological chain and ecological chain." ”

In the words, the concept of seeking truth from facts, adapting measures to local conditions and scientific greening is conveyed.

In recent years, the general secretary has made a series of important instructions in this regard: "adapt measures to local conditions, scientific planting, increase artificial afforestation, expand forest area, improve forest quality", "deeply promote large-scale land greening actions in accordance with local conditions", "persistently carry out land greening, adapt measures to local conditions, scientific planning, do not deliberately pursue exotic flowers and plants, precious trees"...

According to the good prescription prescribed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, to carry out in-depth land greening actions, we must emphasize quantity and quality, and we must take the road of scientific, ecological and thrifty greening development to continuously improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem.

China's vast territory, complex and diverse landscapes and climates, have given birth to rich and unique ecosystems, and different areas are suitable for planting different trees, which cannot be generalized, let alone divorced from reality.

——Green development is the meaning of high-quality development.

"Forests are reservoirs of water, money, grain and carbon." When General Secretary Xi Jinping planted trees this year, he once again mentioned the "carbon pool", expressing the urgency of promoting green development.

Under the "dual carbon" goal, it is necessary to further activate the potential of ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, and wetlands, especially forest carbon sinks with a high proportion of resources, making them an important fulcrum for green transformation and development.

The general secretary stressed that at present and for a period of time in the future, green development is a major strategy for China's development.

Green development is the background color of high-quality development, and planting green is planting development vitality. To protect the ecological environment is to protect productive forces, and to improve the ecological environment is to develop productive forces.

In recent years, ecological priority and green development have become the consensus of local development, and the consciousness and initiative of promoting green development have been significantly enhanced. From Yucun, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, surrounded by green trees, to the Kubuqi Desert with continuous oases, to the "green pearl" Saihanba... the concept of "green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains" has been vividly practiced all over the country.

This time planting trees, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a new call: "Let us actively take action, start from planting trees, plant green mountains and gold mountains and silver mountains that belong to everyone, and paint a renewed picture of a beautiful China." ”

- "Trees" and "tree people" are both strategic work.

Participating in the voluntary tree planting, General Secretary Xi Jinping was particularly happy to work and exchange with children and teenagers. The cultivation and care for the "little saplings of the motherland" are overflowing.

How old are the parents at home, have biology classes been arranged in elementary school, how much do you know about plants, are there many homework now, and there are not many extracurricular tutoring... The general secretary asked them carefully and advised them to love labor from an early age and achieve all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics, and labor.

"Children's education, like planting trees, must be erected at the beginning, otherwise it will grow crooked." The words of the general secretary are the same as the "first button" he once said, and they are also full of care.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of tree people. General Secretary Xi Jinping planted new seedlings and also planted the future and hope of the motherland.