His colleague Magnus Swanljung, a political reporter at Yle, believes that there are two alternatives for Orpo and the National Coalition Party, which correspond to the Swedish Moderates.

"The only thing we know is that it will be very difficult to put together a government. Petteri Orpo has two ways to go. There are many indications that he will form a conservative right-wing government together with the Finns Party, which looks set to become the second largest party. Another possibility is that he turns to the Social Democrats. Then there will be very big compromises, says Magnus Swanljung in SVT's Agenda.

Professor: Government before Midsummer

Yle's Nordic correspondent Lucas Dahlström highlights another thing that speaks against the National Coalition Party forming a government with the Social Democrats:

"It can be difficult to govern with Sanna Marin, who is a fixed star and has led the country for so long.

Political scientist Göran Djupsund, professor emeritus at Åbo Akademi University, also believes that tough negotiations await. But he believes that the government will be ready before midsummer.

"They should be ready by May," he told TT news agency.

"Marin probably left as party leader"

He is fairly certain that the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin will remain as leader of the Social Democrats.

"Without her, the Social Democrats would probably have lost in the election, now they have moved forward instead, which is unusual for a ruling party," he told TT.